The Psychological Impact That Smiling Has On A Child

Many people are well aware of the fact that a simple smile can help to brighten someone’s day, but did you know that it can help to make your baby feel safe and secure? As a matter of fact, statistics demonstrate that smiling can help to boost your child’s brain development process as well. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons why you should smile more often around your child.

The Effects That Smiling Has On Children

Since babies tend to be extremely adorable, most of us can’t help but smile at them. We have such a profound love for babies in general that it isn’t uncommon for people and even strangers try and get a child to smile back. But studies suggest that the whole concept of smiling at your baby should be done more frequently since it:

  1. Helps children to feel more safe and secure within their environment.
  2. Plays a pivotal role when it comes to helping your baby to develop as well as to learn about the world in general.
  3. Is an essential aspect of developing and nurturing a bond between you and the baby.

In general, children can read faces and use the facial expressions that they see as a guide to their world. For example, whenever a child receives an abundance of smiles, he/she interprets it as proof that the world is a safe and secure place as to which people will provide them with the things that they desire such as affection, love, and attention for example.

Additionally, the very first building blocks of a healthy relationship is a smile. The whole concept of establishing and maintain a healthy relationship is vital because it plays an essential role in your child’s development because children learn how to think for themselves and understand and subsequently demonstrate emotions through relationships. It’s also worth noting that smiles are the first steps children use when it comes to socializing and developing relationships with their peers.

Psychological Impact Of A Smile

Smiling has a psychological impact on the minds of children and adults alike. For example, whenever you and your baby smile while you are looking at each other, it leads to the release of several chemicals within you and your child’s bodies, which procure a feeling of security and euphoria. Alternatively, if your baby does not feel secure or if they experience a certain degree of stress, it can subsequently lead to the release of stress hormones which in itself can harm your child’s development. Meaning, for example, the emotions that your child experiences will lead to the release of positive chemicals that promote tranquility or harmful chemicals such as stress hormones which can negatively impact a baby’s nervous system, the development of their brain as well as their ability to comprehend and learn. Therefore, if you were to take anything from this article, remember that a simple smile can have a profound effect on the relationship with your child.